Film critic and filmmaker Joseph Holmes is on Theology Meets World to explore with host Jake Doberenz a Christian approach to movies and film criticism. Joseph Holmes explains the value of critiquing movies and how it can help us engage with them more deeply. He highlights the role of movies in expressing and inspiring love and worldview, and how Christians can engage with movies in a way that aligns with their beliefs and values. Joseph additionally provides guidelines for discerning between movies that portray and movies that glorify certain behaviors. He emphasizes the importance of engaging critically with movies and being aware of their influence.
Important Links
Handing Down the Faith: How Parents Pass Their Religion on to the Next Generation by Christian Smith and Amy Adamczyk
“Attempting To Define The Faith-Based Movie Genre” by Joseph Holmes, Religion Unplugged
The Overthinkers Podcast hosted by Joseph Holmes and Nathan Clarkson
Joseph Holmes Website -
Joseph Holmes is a culture critic, filmmaker, and podcast host based in New York City, known for his work in outlets such as Forbes, The New York Times, Christianity Today, and Religion Unplugged. Raised by two ordained ministers who fostered his love for storytelling and deep discussions, he pursued filmmaking at The King’s College and founded the "King's Image Films" club. He later gained recognition for his film reviews and culture criticism, co-hosting the podcast The Overthinkers and writing for numerous publications, where he explores the power of art and dialogue to reveal truth and beauty.
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Christ at the Cinema with Joseph Holmes